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outgoing links
In: Search Engine Optimization

In this article, we’ll discuss how outbounds links help in SEO i.e. Search Engine Optimization. Outbound links are links you place within your content to link a reader to another source that will add additional and important information to the topic at hand. They should be used sparingly because they take away from valuable pages of your site’s real estate and can be dangerous if abused. Learn more about Google’s algorithm and how it works.

SEO Master Worldwide

Why are outbound links important?

The theory behind outbound links is very similar to the theory behind internal links. Broken down, the idea is that outbound links can help to improve the authority of your site and to provide your content with a variety of signals that search engines will recognize and understand.

Most importantly, it can help search engines learn about new pages on your site that you are hoping will crawl and index. When you link out to other sites/pages, you might be helping Google find pages on your site that it might not have known about before – particularly if those sites are within a similar niche to yours.


Outbound links can also be helpful when your site is fresh and new. If you’ve created some great content, chances are that other people will want to link to it. There are a number of ways to do this, but the most obvious is by pointing people directly at the page. It’s also easy for visitors to feel like they can trust your site and link themselves.

How do outbound links actually help?

This is where it gets a bit more complicated and there are a few different theories on outbound links that may or may not add up.

Firstly, the outbound links can simply provide additional authority via their own link profiles. If you’re linking out to another site, they are likely to return the favor and link back to you. The more high-quality links that you have to point at your content, the stronger your site will be ranked and regarded as a high-quality resource.

Secondly, because search engines crawl links as well as pages, it’s possible that they will follow these new links and crawl your page(s) that way. Referral traffic is also important for rankings (though not as much so as to direct traffic). If someone is linking to your site from another, Google will know about it and might decide to check it out itself.

Thirdly, outbound links can improve the overall user experience of your site. If a user is interested enough in your site to click on some of the links within it, it’s possible that they’ll find what they’re looking for on another site and will stick around. This can help with engagement and can be a sign that your site is well-rounded and useful.

Outbound link benefits in SEO

what is outbound links in seo

Whether you believe all or any of these theories behind outbound links, there are a number of reasons why you should be optimizing them. Here are some of the most important ways:

1. Word of Mouth

One of the first ways that outbound links can improve your site’s rankings is through what users will do with them. Outbound links build trust and authority and can help to secure your place in search engine results. This can help you to gain more traffic and, ultimately, a higher ranking in Google. However, it’s worth noting that users may also be confused by outbound links and may not click on them at all so you need to test this with usability testing to see if it works properly.

2. Better Crawlability

When it comes to outbound links, Google will crawl them. This will provide a link to your site when users copy the link and paste it into their browser.

This is important because if you’re optimizing your internal links properly, you should be linking to and from pages that are relevant to each other. If they aren’t, and any given page doesn’t have enough links pointing at it, Google may not even know about the page (because there are no inbound links) and may not want to index your content. Crawling outbound links can help you to fill in these missing pieces of the puzzle.

In a similar way, outbound links can help to improve your site’s crawl ability.

This is because of how external links are treated by Google. When you link out, the site that you’re linking to will know about it and be shown in some relevant results on your own site. For example, if you have a blog post on one page of your site that recommends a new product on another page of your website, that new product will be shown when Google indexes your content. It will also make it easier for Google to determine the relevancy and authority of your content.

External Links vs. Internal Links:


What are External Links?

External Links are the links that appear on your site, to the outside world, which direct visitors away from your site and onto another. These links can come in many forms—from blog posts, social media accounts, and other websites to images and videos.

What are Internal Links?

Internal Links are the links that appear on your site as part of SEO. Internal linking means that you have navigational links on a web page that relate to other areas or pages of the same website. This serves two purposes:

1) it helps users find information quickly;

2) it helps search engines understand how content on one page relates to another page; therefore improving SEO and

3) passing authority from one page to another (i.e., passing PageRank).


Outbound links are links that point from your business website to another. They are often used within content especially in blogs to add more context and to link a reader to another source. Hopefully, you are now more clear about the outbound links concept. The search engine, Google, ranks pages on websites using an algorithm that factors in many different factors. Factors such as the keywords used on the page and just how and where the keywords are placed. One important factor is how outgoing links can be used to enhance the ranking of a page. In this blog, I discuss what outbound links are, why they are important, and how they can have an impact on your search rankings.

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